KAL - Kakar Advocates LLC
KAL stands for Kakar Advocates LLC
Here you will find, what does KAL stand for in Law under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Kakar Advocates LLC? Kakar Advocates LLC can be abbreviated as KAL What does KAL stand for? KAL stands for Kakar Advocates LLC. What does Kakar Advocates LLC mean?Kakar Advocates LLC is an expansion of KAL
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Alternative definitions of KAL
- Greenlandic
- Kaltag, Alaska USA
- Korean Air Lines
- Kalori
- Kalisto
- key assets list
- Kantonales Altersheim Liestal
- Kmart Australia Limited
View 45 other definitions of KAL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- KI The Kantor Institute
- KPHS Kipp Pride High School
- KLLI K Line Logistics Inc.
- KOKCSPL KOK Chang Scaffolding Pte Ltd
- KPG King Parrot Group
- KCGC KC Group of Companies
- KCSF Kansas City Startup Foundation
- KSL Kamal Steels Limited
- KNUCA Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
- KPL Kerfoot Pty Ltd
- KHC Kentucky Health Cooperative
- KATG King America Textile Group
- KMC Kingsley Management Corp.
- KCMC Kern County Medical Ctr
- KEL Key Electrical Limited
- KHAC Kennedy Heights Arts Center